February Adult Education

Parables of Jesus: Powerfully Provocative Little Stories – 9:15 AM Sundays in the Battin Room
Jesus often taught his followers using parables, short stories that took common items and
actions that Jesus twisted and turned to break open his followers’ understanding of what life in
God’s Kingdom could be. As New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine writes about parables, “we
would be better off thinking less about what they ‘mean’ and more about what they can ‘do:’
remind, provoke, refine, confront, disturb.”

Sunday, February 9: What is a parable and how is God’s Kingdom like a mustard seed?
Scripture focus: Mark 4:30-32

Sunday, February 16: What are we called to do? The hidden King.
Scripture focus: Matthew 25:31-46

Sunday, February 23: Who is my neighbor? Breaking down racial divisions.
Scripture focus: Luke 10:25-37