Serving others is an important part of our work at Saint John’s. Below is a list of some of the places we support.
Chester Eastside – we support Chester Eastside in various ways including Christmas gift sponsorships, serving food at Holidays, back to school supplies collections, etc.
Saint Mary’s Food Bank – non-perishable items can be dropped off at the church anytime the building is open. They can be left at the Welcome Center. We also give a monthly donation from the church.
Soda Tab Collection – benefiting the Ronald McDonald House. Look for a collection bin at the Welcome Center. More information on the program here. See Tracey with questions.
Guatemala Companions – Our support of our Companion Parish in San Andrea Itzapa, Guatemala continues. To ensure the congregation of San Andreas has a place of worship, a meeting spot for educational opportunities and youth group activities, we continue to send rent money each month. We also support them with special collections for additional needs.
Collection Drives – as needs arise