At our October Vestry meeting, parish leadership overwhelmingly supported a new start time for our second worship service on Sundays. Our late service will begin at 10:00 starting on the first day of the church year, November 27 (Advent 1).
This earlier start time will also shift the start time for Sunday School and Coffee Hour, which will begin at 9:15 (beginning November 27).
The Vestry recognizes that this change will be happy news for some of our parishioners and less welcome news to others. Our parish remains strong as we move into a new, post-pandemic world, but the new reality we find ourselves in requires flexibility and adjustment as we strive to create a warm, welcoming, and spiritual worship atmosphere for all. Rev. Jill and the Vestry will monitor worship attendance through the winter and spring to see if this new schedule is the best fit for our parish. Note: the earlier service will continue to start at 8:30.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Rev. Jill or our Wardens, Danielle Yoch and Bill Calhoun.