We Believe Classes

We Believe: Exploring our Episcopal Faith

 The former Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry liked to call us “The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement.”

Whether you grew up Catholic or worshipped in a store-front church, we are all part of the Jesus Movement. A movement, something that started long ago and continues today; a movement that brings us together, a movement that pushes us out into the world to be with people who make us uncomfortable, to be with people who help us to grow into the people God longs for us to be.

This Fall, Rev. Jill offers a class for folks who want to learn more about the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. This is open to those of you who have been members of this branch for decades or who found your way to St. John’s a few years ago (or a few weeks ago!).

This class is excellent preparation for those who would like to receive the sacrament of Confirmation or be ‘received’ as a full member in the Episcopal Church.

All are welcome to join Rev. Jill for any or all of these classes, which will meet from 4:00-5:30pm in the Battin Room and on Zoom (955 049 2211 code 1702). RSVP is helpful but not required. Questions? Email RevJill@saintjohnsconcord.com

Dig Deeper: Read Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices by Scott Gunn, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Sunday, October 13: “We Believe: In Our Own Words” We will reflect on our faith journey, what has brought us to St. John’s, and discuss Baptism and Confirmation (sacraments of belonging)

Prepare: Read chapters 2 & 3 and chapter 6 (p 69-74) in Walk in Love

Sunday, October 20: “We Believe: Where We’ve Come From” We’ll learn some early church history, look at the Nicene Creed, and explore the Reformation in England.

Prepare: Read chapters 13 & 14 in Walk in Love

Sunday, November 3: “We Believe: A Revolutionary Church” Continuing to explore the Middle Way of Anglican history, we’ll look at how the American Revolution impacted the Anglican expression of faith here in the USA and specifically St. John’s history.

Prepare: Read chapters 17 & 18 in Walk in Love

Sunday, November 10: “We Believe: Praying Shapes Believing” We will explore what it means to be “people of the book” – not only the Bible, but also our Book of Common Prayer.

Prepare: Read chapter 6 (p. 74-79) and chapters 7, 9, & 12 in Walk in Love

Sunday, November 17: “We Believe: A Christian Life” Putting all we’ve learned together – Scripture, Tradition, Reason – we look at how to actively serve God.

Prepare: Read chapters 16 & 24 in Walk in Love

Bonus Sunday Edition! Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 “We Believe: An Instructed Eucharist” Questions welcome! This open Communion service will take time to pause over the parts that make up our main corporate worship service.

Prepare: Read chapters 4, 5, & 10 in Walk in Love