Your Pledge Envelopes are available in the Narthex (the back of the church). Please use either your envelope or your assigned Pledge Number when making your offering. The envelopes make it much easier on our Counting Teams as they keep track of pledge income throughout the year.
Thank you to those parish families who have pledged their support of our 2023 budget. Each year parish leadership encourages our parishioners to promise to financially support St. John’s mission of seeking, serving, and growing in Christ. The Finance Committee and our Vestry use the amount pledged to create our budget; 67% of our budget comes from the pledges of our parishioners (in our current $311,000 budget, that means $208,000 are pledged). The remainder of our income comes from rental income, our endowment, and “loose plate offerings” (money donated from non-pledgers).
- Please return your 2023 Pledge Form by mailing it to St. John’s or placing in the offering plate on Sunday; we will have extra forms available. You can also fill out an online pledge form.