
Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
– 2 Corinthians 9:7


Below are four easy ways to give to Saint John’s financially. We are a non-profit and could not survive without your generous support. 

Anyone can donate using the methods above and we are very grateful. 

Each fall we run a stewardship campaign to gather pledges from members and help us plan the budget for the next year. This is a vital part of keeping our church healthy and we invite you to participate.

Time & Talent

Our church would not operate without the many amazing volunteers who give of their time and talents. Please fill out our Time & Talent google form below and let us know how you can share your gifts and be a blessing to others.

Planned Giving

Our 1702 Society offers many other options for planned giving like bequests, life income gifts, life insurance, etc. Click here to learn more about these options