Birdhouse Order Form (Green Team)

St. John’s Green Team Presents

An Opportunity…Bird House Kits developed for House Wrens, Black-capped Chickadees, White-Breasted Nuthatches and Prothonotary Warblers.

Orders are being accepted through March 30. With each order you will get all of the components to make a wooden birdhouse. The entrance hole will be drilled according to research to meet the needs of the birds targeted. Nails will be provided. All of the pieces will be cut and ready for assembly. Paper instructions will be provided with the kit. You would provide the tools to assemble and tree or post to position the birdhouse.

Research has determined that the birdhouse needs to be made out of wood that is not pressure treated. Additionally the birds we are supporting do not need a perch to gain entrance into the house. Perches can allow for larger birds to disrupt the nests.

Payment can be made by check with checks payable to St John’s, via cash, or online at—please note that the online payment is for birdhouses.

Pick up will be on Sunday, April 27 either before or after the late service in the Battin room. Look for the Green Team table. Pick up on other dates after April 27 would be during church office hours during the week.

Proceeds benefit the Green Team’s goals this year of providing six birdhouses in the meadow and increasing the tree canopy by twenty native trees.

Download and print the order form here and return to the church or order online here.