Fellowship is a vital part of our Saint John’s church family. Listed below are some of the fellowship opportunities we have going on. Click an event title to send an email to the liaison and learn more or ask questions. Be sure to check out our calendar and our most recent email (linked on the homepage) for the latest updates. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Year-Round Fellowship Opportunities
- Thursday Morning Cafe – fellowship gathering with pastries and coffee – 10 AM in the Battin Room. Bible Study begins at 10:45. You can stay afterward for the Healing Eucharist, if you desire, the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month (not during the summer). All are welcome!
- Men’s Breakfast – The 2nd Saturday of the month.
- Holy Hikers – Happens monthly on the 3rd Saturday (April-October) at various local hiking trails led by parishioners – all hiking levels welcome!
- Youth Group – throughout the school year for kids in 6th grade and up.
- Women’s Dinner – May – October, monthly on the 3rd Thursday in the parish hall – pot luck dinner.
- Ladies Literary Society – Join us for book club usually the 2nd Sunday of the month (during the school year.)
- WOW – Women on the Way – Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday (May through October.) We listen to a pre-selected spiritual podcast and discuss (or just show up.)
- WWJB What Would Jesus Brew – Meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
- Marris Grove Lunch Bunch – meets after the monthly Eucharist service.
Annual Fellowship Opportunities
- Parish picnic in June
Karaoke (February)
Community Day Brunch (2nd Sunday of September)
- Fall Fellowship Event in November (varies each year)
- Cookies & Carols in December – decorate cookies and sing carols
- Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Day

Listed below are some of our latest fellowship events. Please join us!
Sunday Pizza & a Movie
Pizza & A Movie: Sunday, March 30 @ 11:15 Join us to watch Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin & enjoy some pizza. Please bring a side/dessert to share.
March WOW Gathering
Women on the Way March 19 @ 7 PM – Creative Event: Stitches of Faith – Knit/Crochet event – bring a project or come & learn (or just come for the fellowship). Meeting in the Battin Room. More details here.
Shrove Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, March 2, 2025 9:00 AM -10:15 AM Support our Youth Group at their Shrove Sunday pancake breakfast! Includes juice, sausage, and fruit salad to go with your flapjacks. Suggested donation amount: $7/person or $25 for a family of 4.