Sunday, September 10 – Blessing of the Backpacks Students of all ages, please bring your backpacks or work bags to church to receive a special blessing.
Saint John's is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, August 22 from 2 PM to 7 PM. (Sign-up using button below.) One pint of blood saves THREE lives! To be eligible you need to be good health...Read More
There are two opportunities for lay ministry coming up this fall. The first is joining the Prayer Chain. You will have the opportunity to prayer for names on St. John’s prayer list during the week. Praying for each other is...Read More
The Pastoral Care Committee is pleased to announce that the prayer shawl/baptismal blanket ministry is back up and running. Prayer Shawls will hang in the vestibule of the church with signs on the hangers. Feel free to take one to...Read More
This event has been postponed! Saturday, June 3 – Sunday, June 4 Put up your tent in our big field. There will be games, a scavenger hunt, and camp songs. Enjoy sitting around the campfire with friends. We’ll provide S’mores,...Read More
Our annual meeting will be held Sunday, February 5 at 9:20 AM. Please reserve the date. Details to follow. **Committee reports for the Annual Report are due to Jen Troutman in the office by January 25.** View the 2022 Annual...Read More
2022/2023 Cold Weather Plan - Multiple agencies prepared to assist residents in winter weather conditions Delaware County Council reminds residents that various County agencies offer additional support and resources to the homeless, elderly, and vulnerable residents when harsh cold, snow,...Read More
Friday, October 7 at 7 pm Worship outdoors! Hang out by the firepit in our big field. Bring your chair and beverages and enjoy an evening of fellowship and faith with your St. John’s friends. ALL are welcome!
Sunday, 10/2 at 10:30 - Eucharist with Pet Blessing & Children's Message. Bring your furry family member photos or stuffed animals to this INDOOR (due to rain) worship service; Rev. Jill will bless pets following the Peace.