Month: October 2023

2023 Frozen Turkey Collection
Have an extra frozen turkey you aren't going to use? Want to help someone have a nice Thanksgiving? Once again this year, we are collecting frozen turkeys for Chester Eastside. Please bring any frozen turkeys you may have to the...Read More

Brief Bible Study: Genesis
Beginning Sunday, October 1, we'll dive into the first book of the Bible with our "Brief Bible Study." Meeting during coffee hour on Sunday mornings, we'll discover how these very ancient stories still speak of God's love and presence in...Read More

First Aid Kit Supply Collection
Please bring in small packages of Band-Aids, Neosporin, Tylenol, cough drops, antibacterial wipes, burn cream, etc. There will be a designated collection bin in the Welcome Center. Donations are due by October 22 and will go to our ministry partners...Read More

Parkinson’s Support Group
1st Wednesday of the Month 1:30 PM to 3 PM Parish Hall (Handicap Accessible) Come and bring your Caretaker to share your story and your thoughts on how you are living with Parkinson's. Each persons' story will help to support...Read More