40 Days of Lent – Mite Box DevotionalReflecting on our BlessingsDonations benefit our sister parish San Andres Guatemala and their sustainability Chicken ministry. Download your calendar here.
We are ready to commit to our monthly meal serving the good people at Chester Eastside's Open Table! Each 4th Thursday of the month, we will set up and serve a catered hot meal, visit with the guests who come...Read More
Parables of Jesus: Powerfully Provocative Little Stories - 9:15 AM Sundays in the Battin Room Jesus often taught his followers using parables, short stories that took common items and actions that Jesus twisted and turned to break open his followers’...Read More
Tuesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve 3 PM Cocoa, Carols, and Creche - A thirty-minute, family Communion service with cocoa to keep you warm and carols to keep you smiling! 5 PM - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Choir Music...Read More
Parkinson's Support Group Special Presentation - Dec. 4 @ 1:30 PM An Overview of Parkinson's Disease - Current Treatments and Research Speaker - Heather J. Cianci, PT. MS. GCS. Heather is the outpatient neurological team leader and founding therapist of...Read More
Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 9:00 AM -11:15 AM Support our Youth Group at their Advent pancake breakfast! Includes juice, sausage, and fruit salad to go with your flapjacks. Suggested donation amount: $7/person or $25 for a family of 4.
What is the Bible? This Fall, Rev Jill and Rev Terry will lead an adult forum on the Bible: what is it? who wrote it? what is included - and what was left out? Sunday mornings at 9:15 beginning October...Read More
We Believe: Exploring our Episcopal Faith Sundays This Fall from 6-7:30pm The former Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry liked to call us "The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement." Whether you grew up Catholic or worshipped in...Read More
Save the Date: QPR Suicide Prevention Training Question. Persuade. Refer. 3 steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Saint John’s is hosting a FREE QPR training open to the community on Sunday, September 29 @ 11:30 AM. These trainings...Read More
American Red Cross Blood Drive at Saint John’s: Tuesday, August 27 2-7 PM The heat is on to find more blood donors – there simply aren't enough people giving. Summer is an especially hard time to collect enough blood donations...Read More